  • 這是一篇最近收到的回響 這位laowai 對台灣政壇也非常有興趣 看看他的說法


    Hi may
    My name is Bill, and although I am not Taiwanese,I live in your beautiful country and enjoy your incredible culture. Taiwan to me, is a very Unique Country and different to any other I have travelled in.It is safe, clean, and free.You also have freedom of the press, where every one can have a say, and voice their opinion, and Taiwanese people love to do this which adds to this vibrant and energetic lifestyle you have here. So anyway, as I was decending Yushan the other day in my nice warm Merino woollen jersey (this is how i found your blog) I had an idea.
    I see that you can knit very interesting and realistic creatures, I love them, you have great imagination. so I was wondering, would it be possible for you to knit and sow two beautiful Panda suits. one for Ma,, and one for his deputy, and we could put them in the zoo, and send the real yuan yuan and tuan tuan back to China where they belong. I know the zoo would lose a lot of money, but you would gain heaps from all the advertising. I am sure Ma would be happy,, you could even knit him a little flag of his choice to wave to the crowds. oh well just an idea.
    If this seems a bit to difficult could we just call the bears "Ma" and "Pa" and knit them both a woolly jumper, and some nice cuddly toys?
    PS. I love the deep green colour for the wooly jumper

    PPS,, you have a great blog, I hope I havent ruined it
  • Hi there

    Thanks for ur coming
    Its embrassing to tell you the news I just got that the e Bian , TW's ex- president returned to the jail hours ago , he might need woolly jumper ?

    About the panda bears in Taipe Zoo ,, hey shall we wait and see the free air gonna wash their brains soon ?

    You are more than welcome here , cheers


    以上 是幾天前我收到的回響 及對Bill 的答覆

    只想說everything is possible ,,,

    laowai 應該是 老外吧 , 深綠的老外比較少見

    紛紛擾攘的2008  再會吧 ,,,想起林 強的招牌歌~~~~~

    如果我說台灣人什米攏不驚 ,,,向前走,,

     Well , Bill if you are reading here , hope you dont mind , see u then .



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