
       前些日子 麻將賽裡,  有位大腹便便 長髮的年輕女性 胡了最後一把才趕赴產房生育 老天有眼母女均安之外 這位新媽媽還抱個麻將賽獎牌回家 . 雙喜臨門 還是要勇敢的人才辦得到 ,,看了這則新聞不禁要喊 勇哉 媽咪

以下這則留言 個人覺得很有趣 是個老外Bill 寫的 顯然台灣的政壇,團團圓圓的新聞也感染了他 所以 ,,,,這般 ,,

   如果妳或你或其他 有興趣將這篇留言翻譯下來 (直接貼上迴響好了) , 能夠最真實反應原意 戲虐心情者 (抱歉只有一名 ) 可穫得帽子一頂 (三擇一, 本格內的編織物 皆為 May 的手作 ) , 如果您是那位唯一沒有其他人參與 那麼編織帽就是參加獎 + 滴一名

如果想要一試身手 效法勇哉媽咪者 即日起至二月五日前

步驟一: 將翻譯文貼上迴響

步驟二: 等通知

步驟三: If you are the winner ,, 付上100 郵資處理費 (國外另計)  , 帽子就是你妳的了

ps 所有的訊息 請在此部落格傳送 如有不盡理想處 容日後修正 

女用 (這頂已送出了)








男用 或男女皆宜 ?




 不管是編織或語文 學習是件愉快的是 借這篇留言做個開端 就是這樣了

順便告訴爸媽 兒女 上網也可以是很正面的


Hi may
My name is Bill, and although I am not Taiwanese,I live in your beautiful country and enjoy your incredible culture. Taiwan to me, is a very Unique Country and different to any other I have travelled in.It is safe, clean, and free.You also have freedom of the press, where every one can have a say, and voice their opinion, and Taiwanese people love to do this which adds to this vibrant and energetic lifestyle you have here. So anyway, as I was descending Yushan the other day in my nice warm Merino woollen jersey (this is how i found your blog) I had an idea.
I see that you can knit very interesting and realistic creatures, I love them, you have great imagination. so I was wondering, would it be possible for you to knit and sow two beautiful Panda suits. one for Ma,, and one for his deputy, and we could put them in the zoo, and send the real yuan yuan and tuan tuan back to China where they belong. I know the zoo would lose a lot of money, but you would gain heaps from all the advertising. I am sure Ma would be happy,, you could even knit him a little flag of his choice to wave to the crowds. oh well just an idea.
If this seems a bit to difficult could we just call the bears "Ma" and "Pa" and knit them both a woolly jumper, and some nice cuddly toys?
PS. I love the deep green colour for the wooly jumper

PPS,, you have a great blog, I hope I havent ruined it


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