








南島西部海岸是非常美麗的 幾年前遊了一趟

Greymouth 附近 有個採煤礦區 Pike River Mine , 上週一發生爆炸 29 名礦工身陷其中 昨天又再次爆炸

有位年輕孩子的面孔 幾天前才剛滿17 歲 週五開始上工新工作 ,,,, 週一就發生不幸 有首悼念他 Joseph 及其餘28 名礦工的詩

這個連結作者Gary McCormick 朗誦自己的遺憾


SEVENTEEN (In memory of Joseph Ray Dunbar and all those who died in the Pike River Mine.) Joseph Ray Dunbar was just seventeen. One week ago - turned seventeen. No doubt had a few drinks out with his mates.

He'd been through a rough patch, someone said. Who doesn't ??!

A boy from the Coast,even-eyed. But he's gotten a job now.

New boots. The making of him, someone said. You get a lot of respect with a job.

Couldn't wait !

Probably had his lunch packed. The unlined face, the big smile. Probably had a way with the girls. The local girls.

Couldn't wait !

The local girls are wearing black. Mothers and sons and husbands too. He probably ran the last hundred yards....

Joseph Ray Dunbar.

Climbed aboard and headed on down. A smile and a wave and a joke amongst men. The biggest day of Joseph's life.

You caught the train, Joseph.

You took the train too soon.

You caught the train before your time


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