** 紐西蘭美麗諾線又稱嬰兒紗 ( baby yarn )
手染 ,50g 裝 . 3.25 - 4 mm 針 約180m 長 .
最近派吃多啦 !!!
訓練 跳呼拉圈 hula hoop --- 他深知蹲低才能跳得高原理 . 預~備 ..感受到他體內噴張的血脈 但牧羊犬沉穩的性格 按耐住 等待...等待令下 Jump Panda !
教他什麼他學會什麼 快沒招啦
唱歌時間~~ In the morning by Bee Gees
In the morning when the moon is at it's rest,
You will find me at the time I love the best
Watching rainbows play on sunlight;
Pools of water iced from cold night, in the morning.
Tis the morning of my life.
In the daytime I will meet you as before.
You will find me waiting by the ocean floor,
Building castles in the shifting sands
In a world that no one understands,
In the morning.
Tis the morning of my life,
In the morning of my life the
Minutes take so long to drift away
Please be patient with your life
It's only morning and you're still to live your day
In the evning I will fly you to the moon
To the top right hand corner of
The ceiling in my room
Where wll stay until the sun shines
Another day to swing on clothes lines
May I be yawning
It is the morning of my life
It is the morning of my life
In the morning
In the morning
In the morning
**** 雖然人事已非 美好的樂聲永遠值得懷念.